All posts in: "Everything Akaa"

  1. 5 Books Worth Your Time

    Akaa ‘Real Reads’ Book List by Elizabeth Plumley Have you resorted to rereading the Harry Potter series for the third time? Considered struggling through another…

  2. 8 Innovations Defying the Limitations of Electricity for Rural Villages

    Developing countries are not even close to getting power lines to the majority of its citizens. 1.2 billion people worldwide do not have access to…

  3. Whose lap does the baby go on? And other stories of rural African transporation

    On non-market days, traveling to the village is not easy. Coming from Accra you need to take at least 2 trotros (large vans used for…

  4. 10 Photos for Mother’s Day

     1. Ester, 22 years old and son, Tettey. 2. Maria, 24 years old, with 1.5 year old Savior 3. Victoria with 2 of her 3…