What’s your holiday gift list look like this year? Think hard about what you are asking for and the impact of these gifts on your lives – or what else that gift could be. Could you live without these items? Consider swapping out items on your list and adding ones that could have a profound impact on others.


A pair of Lulelemon pants for $88 or a teacher’s salary for 1 month for $80


 Prior to the Asiafo Amanfro Community School’s establishment in 2008, children in the Akaa community did not attend school. Now with over 100 students, children get the opportunity of education. This matters – does $88 stretchy pants?


A video game for $60 or a goat for $60

 Both fight. Why choose goats? Milk, meat, offspring, opportunity.


Another pair of earrings or a solar lamp –  $15.95


 Thought your power outage during Hurricane Sandy was bad?  The Akaa community has no electricity. Solar provides the ability for families to be productive after the sun sets (cooking, working, studying, socializing). Next time you use electricity (that would be now), think what it would be like to have none and the possibilities that you have with access.


 Another football jersey or a  loan to a woman – both $100

With low interest micro-loans women have the opportunity to improve their businesses or start a new one. Getting capital to women is one of the most important ways to increase quality of life and develop communities. YOU can provide this chance. 


 A boyfriend pillow or prenatal vitamins for women who cannot afford them  – both $30


A healthy baby or a boyfriend pillow – that’s gotta be a no-brainer


View the full Akaa Project Giving Catalog to see other ways you can make a difference this holiday season.