3 Volunteers, 3 New Projects Posted December 17, 2012 by lgrimanis


On Tuesday, December 18, the Akaa Project welcomes back Dana Feit and Elizabeth Plumley to Ghana, along with first timer Erika Kay. The three College of Wooster students all have active leadership roles in the Akaa Project at Wooster. During this holiday season, they are bringing new projects to the Akaa community. We want to share with you their projects and ideas:

Elizabeth has recently been added to the Board of Directors and this will be her third trip to Ghana. A pre-med student, Elizabeth will continue to work on improving the healthcare of the Akaa community through education and services. Also an artist, Elizabeth will be holding painting classes for the village at the Asiafo Amanfro Community Center. Her classes will allow villagers to learn a new skill and also have fun!

This will be Dana Feit’s second trip. In her previous visit, Dana spent significant time working with special needs student, Davis (pictured left). She will continue spending time with Davis and also use her talent of photography. With her help, students from the Asiafo Amanfro Community School will write and create a book, to educate children around the world about their lives and culture. 

Erika Kay has been involved in the Akaa Project since her freshman year at the College of Wooster when her First Year Seminar class fundraised for desks for the Asiafo Amanfro Community School. Since then she has managed several of the Akaa Project at Wooster fundraisers, including the ever popular Dodgeball Tournaments. An avid soccer player, Erika expressed interest in holding soccer clinics for Akaa teenage girls. Soccer is a HUGE sport in Ghana, and the love for the game continues into the village. But in Akaa, soccer is typical for men, not women. We hope to change this with Erika’s expertise and passion for the sport. To supplement the young women’s soccer, we will add a support program for girls. This will include health and hygiene education, discussion, teaching skills, and  letting their voices be heard!

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